Ramses I Accomplishments

Ramses I Accomplishments

While his son planned campaigns against Syria in an attempt to regain Egypt’s lost possessions there, Ramses completed the decoration of the second pylon and its vestibule in the great Karnak temple of the national god, Amon, at Thebes, which was built and partly decorated by his predecessor.

Ramses I was not of royal blood, yet he became the founding pharaohof the 19th dynasty. His reign was short and his impact upon Egypt was small, yet his descendants became as powerful as the great pharaohs of ancient Egyptian lineages. The mystery of his mummy would lead to his being well known centuries later and miles away from Egypt.

4/18/2012  · Ramses I Pharaoh Biography 1293-1291 BC The 19th Dynasty, despite its later luminaries, began on a fairly low note. Ramses I, from whom the main part of the period takes its name, ‘Ramesside’, came to be pharaoh almost by default.He was previously the vizier, close friend and confidant of the pharaoh Horemheb, who – having failed to produce an heir – appears to have bestowed the.

6/22/2011  · Ramesses I was the founder of the 19th Dynasty (though there is some evidence to suggest that they themselves saw Horemheb as he dynastic founder) and the grandfather of the great and famous pharaoh, Ramesses II .Though he began a Dynasty that would actually see several powerful kings, his reign was really somewhat of a low point during the New Kingdom.

3/18/2021  · Ramses II’s long life—he lived between 90 and 96 years—gave him ample opportunity to marry wives and beget children. He had over 200 wives and concubines and over 100 children, many of whom he outlived. His first and perhaps favorite wife was Nefertari, to whom he dedicated one of the temples at Abu Simbel. Diplomacy also played a role in some of his marriages, a common practice.

8/4/2015  · He issued the construction of several temples and statues (many of which were designed to bring himself praise), such as the Rammeseum, the Abu Simbel and a variety of monuments in Nubia. His best-known architectural accomplishment is the Tomb of Nefertari, his chief wife. Ramses II had an impressive lifespan of roughly 90 years.

The picture to the left is the picture of one of the best accomplishments that Ramses II created: the temple of Ramses II. The Temple of Ramses II (Abu Simbel) The picture above is the small Temple of Nefertari and Hathor (Egyptian goddess of love, beauty, music, dance motherhood, and joy.

Nefertari, Isetnofret, Maathorneferure, Seti I, Moses, Tutankha…, Ramesses III, Akhenaten
